A letter from Freeholder Romano

Dear Editor:
Over the past three years, it has been my great honor serving the people of the 5th Freeholder District, encompassing Hoboken and Jersey City Heights. Every day I work hard to ensure we receive our fair share of county services and funding. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with so many great citizens on a daily basis, and my accomplishments on the Freeholder Board are directly the result of our community working together. I would like to take this opportunity to ask for your vote for Freeholder on Tuesday, November 8 so we can continue the progress for a second term.
With your help, we championed the largest road resurfacing project in the history of the 5th Freeholder District. We also worked swiftly to improve the waterfront walkway in Hoboken, repairing the sinkhole on time and on budget. I worked with the community to maintain, revitalize and protect Washington Park in Jersey City and Columbus Park in Hoboken. I advocated cutting back on county spending and reducing excessive overtime expenditures to hold the line on taxes. I remain fully committed to reforming county government and increasing transparency.
In my next term, I pledge to continue working on improving and repairing our parks and open space. As a former school teacher, 32 year veteran of the Hoboken Police Department and a father, I know how important it is to provide our children with safe places to play and the quality of life it offers the whole family. Most importantly, I remain focused on serving your needs so we can work together on making our community the best place to live.
Thank you for allowing me to be your voice in the county, for your previous support, and for the honor of receiving your vote on Tuesday.

Anthony L. Romano
5th District Freeholder

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