Romano wins re-election, but Hoboken’s Gardiner plans to run for freeholder again next time around

HOBOKEN – A little more than an hour after challenger Kurt Gardiner officially lost to incumbent Freeholder Anthony Romano on Tuesday night, Gardiner announced that his fight for the county seat is not over.
“My plan is to re-run for freeholder in three years as of today,” Gardiner said in an interview at The Turtle Club, the site of his post-election party.
The latest tally, according to the county clerk’s office, showed Romano, the incumbent, receiving 3,914 votes, and Gardiner receiving 1,503.
Romano’s freeholder district includes Hoboken and Jersey City Heights.
At his Washington Street headquarters, Romano thanked his supporters individually before issuing a statement to reporters.
“I want to continue to earn the trust and respect of my constituents,” Romano said, “and ensure to bring as many services to them as I can from the county and continue to work with all levels of government to achieve that goal.”
Romano received the backing of the Hudson County Democratic Organization, and he even campaigned with Rep. Albio Sires (D – NJ13) on Tuesday.
Romano is a former Hoboken police captain who retired last year, rather than be demoted due to a police restructuring plan. Romano is also a rumored mayoral candidate for 2013, when Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer’s term expires.
Gardiner, who used to run a blog that often times supported Zimmer, received the backing of most, if not all, of Zimmer’s allies on the council. Gardiner said the backing “really meant a lot” to him. Zimmer did not issue an endorsement in the race. Gardiner said he decided to run against Romano, who was otherwise running unopposed, to give voters a choice.
Gardiner said he wants to increase transparency in county government, including live-streaming freeholder meetings online and archiving agendas and resolution packets on the county website.
“I look at this day as the beginning of a real effort to continue getting information out about how the county doesn’t provide for Hoboken,” Gardiner said. – Ray Smith

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