Police Beat

Jaguar in the projects a bit suspicious

Three Jersey City men were arrested on Nov. 19 near 300 Marshall Drive at approximately 12 a.m. after police officers found cocaine allegedly in their vehicle, according to a police report.
Police observed a silver Jaguar with no license plates and saw someone they believed to be a known drug dealer approaching the vehicle, according to the report.
Police followed the car, and when they eventually pulled the vehicle over, the passengers and the driver allegedly failed to produce identification, and officers heard three different stories about how the car had been purchased, according to the police report.
The driver, later identified as Travis Thomas, 21, of Jersey City, consented to a search of the car, according to police. Police say they found one clear plastic bag with a white substance believed to be cocaine between the driver and passenger seats. All of the people in the vehicle were placed under arrest.
A Bergen County Police K-9 unit was called, and the police dog found what was alleged to be drug residue on $499 cash that was allegedly in the driver’s possession, according to a police report.
Asmar Wallace, 19 of Jersey City, and Tyrone Wilson, 21, of Jersey City, and Thomas were all charged with possession of cocaine.
Thomas was additionally charged with a motor vehicle summons for improper display of license plates, operating a motor vehicle while in possession of drugs, driving with a suspended license, and failure to exhibit insurance.

House fire on Madison Street being investigated

A house fire on the 600 block of Madison Street that left a building deemed unsafe for residents on Nov. 21 is under investigation by the Hoboken Fire Department, according a Hoboken Police Department incident report.
A resident of the building told police that he heard a “large commotion” coming from the apartment above him, and then looked out the window and saw people running down the fire escape, according to police.
When the resident heard someone yell “Fire,” the man and his family ran out of the building. The fire started on the roof, and a witness said he overheard a man say he was fixing his roof with a flammable tool, according to police.

Pregnant teen allegedly punched in stomach by accident

A 16-year-old pregnant Jersey City teen was allegedly punched in the stomach by accident during an altercation between the girl’s two male cousins, according to a police report. However, no charges were filed.
The accused puncher, 20, allegedly tried to hit his 18-year-old male cousin, but missed him and hit the girl in the stomach instead, according to police. The girl is 33 weeks pregnant. Doctors at Hoboken University Medical Center said her unborn baby was unharmed, according to police, but she planned on staying at the hospital for a few days for monitoring.

TV stolen from man’s apartment

A Hoboken resident returned home to the 100 block of Garden Street to find his 22-inch television stolen, according to a police report.
On Nov. 17 at approximately 7:30 p.m., the alleged victim found that his front foyer door was busted in, and he discovered that his apartment had been ransacked, according to police.
The apartment door had been forced open, and the television, valued at $130, was the only item reported stolen, according to police.

Bag with Mac computer in it may have been mistaken for garbage

Talk about an unfortunate mix-up.
A 24-year-old man left two bags unattended on the 500 block of Park Avenue outside his apartment and went to retrieve his bicycle near the Hoboken PATH station downtown, according to police. When he came back, the two bags were gone.
One bag contained work papers and another held his file protector, a raincoat, and a $1,000 Apple computer, according to a police report.
The resident noticed a garbage truck about a block away, so he stopped it, asking to search the bed of the truck to see if his bags had been mistaken for garbage. He found the bags and most of the belongings, but not the laptop, according to police.
Police are investigating.

Cash register stolen from restaurant on 200 block of Bloomfield Street

Some time between Nov. 18 and Nov. 19, an unknown criminal took a cash register from a food establishment on the 200 block of Bloomfield Street, according to police. In the cash register was approximately $100 and a credit card belonging to the company, according to police. No signs of forced entry were found, according to police. Police are investigating.

A ‘cymbal’ of trouble

Musical cymbals worth $800 were taken from a building lobby on the 50 block of Harrison Street on the evening of Nov. 16, according to police.
A man brought multiple bags of cymbals up the elevator in the building, but an hour later, realized he had left one bag in the lobby. When he returned, the bag was gone.
The missing bag contained 12 sets of brass cymbals worth $800.
Police are investigating the incident.

Alleged late-night threats land Edgewater man in handcuffs

A 36-year-old Edgewater man who said he worked for the city was arrested on Nov. 20 at approximately 9:30 p.m. at a bar on the 200 block of Washington Street. He allegedly became involved in a verbal altercation with a female waitress before bouncers got involved. Then, the situation became physical.
Ralphie Lopez, 36, does not actually work for the city, police said.
A bouncer told police that after a verbal altercation, Lopez allegedly swung and hit an employee of the restaurant and allegedly tried to choke a man, and was escorted outside.
Lopez then allegedly told an employee that he was going to come back to the bar and stab the man.
When police arrived, Lopez was walking away from the scene, police said. After allegedly becoming vulgar with police, Lopez was placed under arrest. He was charged with disorderly conduct, making terroristic threats, and two counts of simple assault, according to police.

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