Time for Greenville to be heard!

Dear Editor:
My name is Demetrius Terry and I’m a proud leader within my community. I currently serve as Chairman of the New Jersey Hudson County Teenage Republicans and I’m an advocate for the Greenville Ward within Jersey City. What separates me from the rest is my age and my desire to lead. I’m 18 years old and I have a deep passion for politics. I’ve worked on dozens of campaigns with President Obama’s being my first. Barack Obama is the person who influenced me into the field of politics. Growing up in an underprivileged neighborhood, I saw much hope in him and what he could do for my community. As a college student at Seton Hall University, I’m learning much about government in my political science courses and what I can do to help my community. Let’s face it; there are tons of issues within the Greenville ward such as crime, high property taxes, and liter, less youth recreational activities, high unemployment, issues with educational system and more. It is time for us to come together as a community and help to rebuild it.
The reason why I’m writing you is because I want to let you know it’s important to attend city council meetings to voice your opinions about issues going on in your area. If you are interested in speaking at a council meeting you must call the city clerk’s office and let them know and give your name. I also urge if you see suspicious activities on your block to call the police. It is time to make our streets safe again. Let’s send a clear message to Mayor Healy and Greenville Councilman Michael Sottolano that our ward needs help and the neglection must stop. It is important for more community involvement. As a young leader, I plan on running for the Ward A Greenville city council seat in 2013 because I’m tired of seeing my community in distress. I want to be an example for Greenville and let other young people know they can do whatever they put their mind up too.
Below I have listed a few important city numbers, please take advantage of them:
Mayor Jerramiah Healy’s Office: (201) 547-5200
Office of City Clerk: (201) 547-5150
Ward A Greenville Councilman- Michael Sottolano: (201) 547-5098
South District Police Station: (201) 547-5456
Jersey City Police Headquarters: (201) 547-5300
Also visit: www.jerseycitynj.gov for more info on city events and more! / Feel free to call me anytime!

Demetrius Terry
Ward A Greenville Advocate

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