Waterfront park moves forward; police salaries set

Commissioners also discuss flooding, contracts

The North Bergen Commissioners passed a resolution awarding a contract to construct a park along the Hudson River on Wednesday, Dec. 7 during an 11 a.m. meeting. The contract of $427,620 was awarded to Persistent Construction Company of Fairview.
The park will be funded in accordance to an “interlocal” agreement between the towns of North Bergen and Guttenberg. Both towns are tasked with financing the development and supervision of the construction.
After a Guttenberg council meeting last September, Guttenberg Mayor Gerald Drasheff said the park will likely be ready next summer. RSC Architects of Cliffside Park have designed the plans for the project, which can be viewed by visiting www.guttenbergnj.org/projects.

A patrolman’s salary will be in the range of $25,000 to 82,610.
Before construction can begin, Guttenberg must review and approve the contract.

Police salaries set

An ordinance was also introduced establishing the salary range of police department employees. If the ordinance is adopted at a future meeting, the police chief (currently William Galvin) will have a salary in the range of $138,515 to $155,815. The Deputy Chief will have a salary range of $125,920 to $141,645. Captains will have a salary range of $104,955 to $128,770. Lieutenants will make $90,515 to $111,005, and sergeants will earn $78,030 to $95,700. A patrolman’s salary will be in the range of $25,000 to 82,610, should the ordinance be adopted. The ranges are consistent from those adopted in an ordinance roughly two years ago.

Flooding issues

North Bergen resident and perennial political candidate Herb Shaw questioned the town’s handling of the flooding issues on 91st Street during the public portion of the meeting. Shaw’s concerns centered around the threats by executives of Vitamin Shoppe headquarters, located at 2101 91st St., to leave town if the issues were not fixed (see Aug. 21 story).
Mayor Nicholas Sacco maintained that the town has been working with Bergen County to resolve the flooding issue, adding that they have put in over $2 million in the effort, which included installing a new pump station. He also added that much of the problem is due to 91st Street’s proximity to Bellman’s Creek.
“We’re working with Bergen County to fix the gates at Bellman’s creek,” said Sacco.
During a commissioners’ meeting in October, a resolution was passed to award a contract to J.A. Alexander, Inc. of Bloomfield in the amount of $386,992 to replace the sewer on the street.

Development contracts

After the success of the closed circuit television camera system, a crime reduction effort that consists of 90 active cameras located primarily in the business districts of town (see Nov. 13 story), a resolution was passed for the continued addition of cameras throughout North Bergen. After a reduction in crime and a positive residential response, the resolution awarded a contract to Packetalk, LLC, of Lyndhurst, in the amount of $6,180 per camera. The company was the sole bidder.
An additional resolution was passed awarding a contract to Tilcon New York Inc, of Wharton, in the amount of $80,306. The company is responsible for furnishing and paving the asphalt in the town.

Other matters

Mayor Sacco and the Commissioners issued a proclamation announcing their participation in the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” campaign, a year-end crackdown on drunk driving.
Heightened police vigilance will take place from Dec. 5 through Jan. 2.
The proclamation states that impaired drivers in America kill someone every 30 minutes, or approximately 50 people a day. Almost 18,000 people are killed each year. The resolution also states that 30 percent of motor vehicle fatalities in New Jersey are related to alcohol.
Stephen LaMarca may be reached at slamarca@hudsonreporter.com.

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