Christopher Lopez

Christopher Lopez, a sophomore attending Secaucus High School, represented the Secaucus student chapter of People to People International (PTPI) at its 10th annual Global Youth Forum (GYF) held in Kansas City, MO. Christopher traveled by himself to Kansas City and is seen here accepting the PTPI Team Peace Challenge Gold Award for the Secaucus student chapter from Mary Jean Eisenhower, President and CEO of PTPI. Mary Jean is the granddaughter of President Eisenhower, the founder of PTPI. The theme of this year’s GYF was “Cultural Understanding: Discover what a small world it really is”. Delegates spent the majority of their time working through an 11-hour curriculum unit where they learned to develop practical strategies for improving collaboration, communication and group productivity. They also spent time volunteering at Operation International Children and touring Kansas City, where PTPI is headquartered. Christopher has been a member of PTPI since he was in the second grade and has served as an Officer-in-Training, Treasurer and is currently its Project Manager.


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