A joyful boy

“A joyful boy”
‘Jack’ is a happy joyful boy,
as and when, he plays with toy;
fat as humpy bumpy sack,
chewing at times, chocolate snack.
A lad, he is as bright as brass,
used, often dozing in the class;
a teacher, once him, asked his name,
he raised his hand, and told his game.
While on playground, plays with friends,
freely, flopping, clapping hands;
like clever joker, he does jest,
jumping, bumping with his best.
Nice as full moon, he is bright;
instead, to read, he likes to fight.
He neither likes to lie on bed,
Says “why to cry? And why to shed?”
“Quickly, quickly come away,
leave those lessons, let us play.”

Ken Patel

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