Kudos to Teddy’s Place

To the Editor:
Recently, my son Mark and his girlfriend Amanda were visiting Bayonne for the Thanksgiving holiday from Dallas, Texas. They shopped and dined in New York City, and shopped and dined in Bayonne. They also went fishing with friends and family on the Hudson River. At one point, Amanda realized her wallet was missing. Retracing their day’s activity, they narrowed it down to the possibility it was left behind after lunch at Teddy’s Place on 25th Street.
Not only had the wait staff found it, they turned it over to the owner, who held it until Amanda retuned to claim it, and refused a reward for their honesty. In this day and age where it would have been so easy to take advantage of the situation, cards, money and ID indicating she was from Dallas, Texas and may never return to Bayonne again, they did the right thing and held it for her return.
Since then, Mark and Amanda became engaged while on a carriage ride in Central Park. They made many pleasant memories while on their trip to Bayonne and one of them was their lunch at Teddy’s Place.
Thanks a million and God bless.


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