Dear Editor:
I write to respond to a letter to the editor, which appeared in the Hudson Reporter edition of Jan. 8, authored by former Union City Deputy Police Chief and wannabe Chief Joe Blaettler. Sadly, Joe is not enjoying his retirement in posh Morris County with activities like golf and sailing. Instead, he’s intent on continuing to take Union City taxpayers for a ride.
As explained in the past, Joe is not on a crusade to cut waste from government. Rather, he’s on a crusade to avenge the fact that he was passed over to serve as police chief in Union City. That’s not to say he didn’t benefit. Upon retirement, he peeled out of Union City with a cushy payout package of approximately $228,000 and continues to receive an annual pension of approximately $129,000, after collecting an annual salary of $193,000! Those totals don’t even include time and money that is spent on providing the materials requested by his frivolous information requests.
My wish is that, as a state legislator, I had sponsored and passed legislation years ago, so that Joe wouldn’t have been able to walk away with so much of Union City ‘s taxpayers’ money in his pocket.
I look forward to standing firmly with my principles by sponsoring legislation that does not allow public employees to bank sick and vacation time and cash in days at the time of retirement. Fittingly, we can refer to it as “Joe’s Law” since he is the poster boy for abuse of pension and exorbitant payouts.
I especially appreciate his blueprint for better government. Sadly, Joe benefitted from or participated in almost every scenario that he is trying to reform. Even more insulting to the readership is when Joe mentions my acceptance of “Cadillac health care benefits,” as he recently attempted to sue the city when we wished to raise prescription co-pays from $5 to $10. Joe wanted to make sure his prescription benefits stayed in the Cadillac range. He didn’t see any sense in driving an economy car when it came to his benefits, especially if Union City residents are picking up the tab. After all, Joe has always been a “me” type of guy.
This letter could not have been too difficult for Joe to write. He simply must have sat down and reflected on every government abuse in which he has participated and then advised against acting like him. What’s next?…Bernie Madoff writing a how-to book about running a fiscally and morally responsible investment firm?
Joe, next time you’re busy playing Columbo or sitting around the house and reminiscing about the “good ol’ days” when you were relevant, please leave Union City taxpayers alone. Your attempts at division are laughable.
Brian P. Stack