Single stream recycling

Dear Editors:
Single stream recycling (mentioned in your cover story last week) makes it easier for residents to recycle. It is a great move and the increase in types of materials accepted for recycling under this program is a huge step forward. But walk down almost any street and you will pass buildings that still use plastic bags for recycling pick-ups instead of the blue containers provided. Look in those larger plastic bags and you will find smaller plastic bags. Given the blatant violations of the recycling rules, I would be interested to know what percentage of Hoboken’s recycling is actually usable under the single stream process.
Until the city undertakes to educate residents about SSR including how, by including plastic bags and other un-recyclables, they can contaminate and render valueless an entire batch of recycling; and until the city follows up this education process with penalties for non-compliance, I fear the program is headed for failure.

Sheri Kocen

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