Rap, drum, dance, and hum

Your on-line vote can help kids’ after-school arts program

A Jersey City nonprofit that provides after-school learning and performing arts programs for kids is hoping to land a $100,000 grant to buy new computers for its community center. New City Kids is one of five finalists nationwide in the Toshiba Helping Helpers contest for the $100,000 grand prize.
In a video submitted to Toshiba, Jeremy Jerschina, the group’s after-school programs director, informed the company that the center serves about 80 children and 40 teen interns, but only has three computers and one printer.
The winner of the contest will be determined by votes through Toshiba’s Facebook page, Facebook.com/Tosh-Helping-Helpers, where supporters can vote for New City Kids.
“If the citizens of Jersey City, Hudson County, and New Jersey could be behind us, supporting and voting for us, we could continue to provide increasingly better programming and education to the children and teens we interact with and serve every day,” said Jerschina recently.
New City Kids was established in 2000 in an effort to provide teen leadership development and performing arts opportunities to children and teenagers in Jersey City. New City Kids employs Jersey City teens to run its After School Center for Academic Excellence and the Performing Arts, where students at two locations receive assistance with homework and the opportunity to learn dance, rap and song, keyboard, bass, and drums.

New City Kids was established in 2000 in an effort to provide teen leadership development and performing arts opportunities.

Concert next month

Each spring, the organization performs a concert to nurture its relationship with its community of supporters by giving them a glimpse into the musical magic – the energy and enthusiasm – that happens every at its community center, located at 240 Fairmount Ave.
“Many of the kids we serve don’t have much access to after school programs,” noted Jerschina. “What we try to do is offer these kids a creative outlet that at the same time builds leadership skills and social interaction in a positive setting. Then, we add the tutoring and homework help for our academic component. That’s why we’re trying to raise money for the computers.”
Many of the kids who participate in the program, he added, would either be home alone, or hanging out on the streets, were it not for the program.
Each spring, New City Kids performs an annual concert for its community of supporters. The 2012 spring concert will be held on April 28 at 7:30 p.m.

Comment at www.hudsonreporter.com. E-mail E. Assata Wright at awright@hudsonreporter.com.


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