The Hoboken P.B.A. makes donation to worthy cause

Dear Editor:

The Hoboken Policemen’s Benevolent Association proudly presented a donation check in the amount of $8,500.00 to THE NJ RETT SYNDROME ASSOCIATION (NJRSA) on Saturday, March 10th at their ‘20th Anniversary Silent Angels Gala’ in West Paterson, New Jersey. To date, the Hoboken P.B.A. has raised over $30,000 to this most worthy cause. This disorder and the Association which raises money for research and support services for families, is not well known, and was brought to their attention by Hoboken Police Sgt. Melissa Gigante and her husband Det. Vito Gigante whose sister Anna was diagnosed with RETTs when she was 2 and is presently 42 years old and totally dependent on her family to survive.
Rett syndrome (RTT) is a devastating neurological developmental disorder that is seen in infancy and occurs almost exclusively in females. It is usually caused by a mutation of the MECP2 gene on the X chromosome. Rett syndrome is found in all racial and ethnic groups throughout the world, and in every socioeconomic class. RTT affects approximately one in 10,000 live female births. Early developmental milestones appear normal, but between 6-18 months of age, there is a delay or regression in development, particularly affecting speech, hand skills and coordination. A hallmark of Rett syndrome is repetitive hand movements that may become almost constant while awake. Other features include seizures, irregular breathing, swallowing difficulties, and curvature of the spine. Many individuals with RETT live a normal life span. There are currently no known treatments and no cure. For more information please go to
To raise awareness and much needed funds for this Association, the PBA created an Annual Comedy Night & Tricky Tray event, of which both Melissa and Vito are the principle PBA committee organizers. Along with the assistance of friends, family and members of the police force who volunteer their time, the event has become widely known, anticipated and attended throughout the State. On average 300 people attend these events and hundreds of businesses, corporations, and private and public celebrity individuals donate goods and services to assist the PBA in its efforts.

Vincent T. Lombardi, President
Hoboken P.B.A

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