Sad state of affairs

Dear Editor:

It is a sad state of affairs when our elected officials think they are above the people they were elected to serve. However, that’s exactly what happened at the last North Bergen Board of Commissioners meeting when Mayor Sacco would not answer questions aimed at shedding light on what steps, if any, are being taken by his administration to investigate illegal activities by DPW superintendent, James Wiley. Sacco has chosen to remain silent in light of a recent raid by the state Attorney General’s office and numerous subpoenas of town employees.
Rather than face the music, Mayor Sacco chose to hide behind his swanky attorney, Herb Glitz Klitzner, who proceeded to tout the town’s lack of action as a way of cooperating fully with the Attorney General’s investigation. Clearly, Mayor Sacco believes it’s ok to turn a blind eye while town employees break the law and other agencies are left to do the work that needs to get done.
Meanwhile a dark cloud continues to loom over North Bergen as unanswered questions fester and the public interest is thwarted once again by Mayor Sacco and his political gang. However, when it comes to reports of two missing garbage barrels look no further than Mayor Sacco and his sidekick Herb Glitz Klitzner. Now there’s a job for the overpaid dynamic duo.
Apparently a couple of missing garbage barrels warrants more attention by town officials than alleged acts of political intimidation by municipal employees and alleged criminal misconduct by appointed superintendents. Not only is such a weak stance by an elected official unacceptable, but one can only wonder what other capers remain to be uncovered – grand larceny? The disregard with which North Bergen residents are being treated will not easily be swept under the political rug. Despite the shadow cast by Mayor Sacco’s reign of government behind closed doors and rule by intimidation tactics, his time is swiftly coming to an end. The people of North Bergen are listening and they are getting the message loud and clear. It’s time for a change!

Damian Gonzalez

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