Why aren’t the new firemen local residents?

Dear Editor:
This is an open letter to Dawn Zimmer and the City Council:
Recently, I have heard a rumor that the city had received an approval from the state to hire three to five firemen. Along with that good news, it is also rumored that our wonderful mayor has now decided to hire laid-off firemen from some financially stressed city.
That is a noble gesture, but I must say my family and I are extremely disappointed. I have worked very hard along with many other candidates to achieve the goal of becoming a firefighter in the town I was born and raised in. I do not doubt these firemen will do their job, but what you must keep in mind is that they do not live here. All the candidates on our list are from this city so we have more familiarities with our city.
Since we live, have families, friends, and businesses here I believe there is more urgency and pride to protect our city!
I am sure this is all about money and since I do not yet have all the facts on that I will not comment but, I urge the mayor and city counsel to reconsider hiring residents of Hoboken, especially veterans on our list, who protected and fought for us in our time of need. They above all should not have to worry about their future.


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