Doing more with less

Dear Editor:
During tough times it is necessary to reinvent ourselves. There is a need to change our behavior and view our surroundings with a different perspective. Doing more with less, is what we must do to manage these difficult economic times.
Union City is not the only municipal government feeling the restrain of fiscal responsibility. Most cities are implementing budget cuts and Union City is no different. It is remarkable to see how Mayor Brian Stack and his administration understand the full meaning of meeting the responsibilities of city budgeting. Brain Stack is doing more with less.
The norm is to criticize when government is forced to limit expenses in order to meet the financial demands of budgeting. Most people want to focus on the negative without pointing to the positive changes taking place around us. Let’s celebrate, today, these improvements as one community. In my opinion, Union City has become the envy of Hudson County.
Take a walk down any street or avenue in Union City and you will see public works implementing improvements throughout. Streets and sidewalks are newly repaved, educational facilities and culture centers were recently built, and parks are being constructed and remodeled, among other improvements.
As a private resident of Union City, my family and I want to give Mayor Brian Stack a personal, “Thank You,” for managing our city during these difficult times. Our streets are being beautified and our children are attending state of the art schools. As members of this developing community we have a lot to be grateful for.

Izquierdo Family
Union City residents

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