Liberty Animal Shelter, which serves Jersey City and Hoboken, says Spectra gas line will hamper ability to help animals

JERSEY CITY AND HOBOKEN — One of the few animal shelters in Hudson County, the Liberty Humane Society shelter, has posted a petition on line. It says that the proposed Spectra Energy gas line that will run through Bayonne and Jersey City into New York will “render more than half of Liberty Humane’s land useless” and cripple their ability to expand.
While Bayonne officials have approved of the gas line now that it changed the route it will take through Bayonne, staying farther from residential areas, officials and residents in Jersey City are still protesting the gas line (see links below for our coverage).
The Liberty Humane Society shelter was built by volunteers and now handles animals for Jersey City and Hoboken. Hudson County has dealt with limited facilities in which to bring and adopt out stray animals. Another shelter in Jersey City, the SPCA shelter, closed down after poor health inspections three years ago.
The petition is here.
It says:

As the only non-profit animal shelter in Hudson County, Liberty Humane Society provides animal sheltering services to the cities of Jersey City and Hoboken and care to over 2,000 homeless, stray, and abandoned animals each year. Not only do we ensure the municipalities we serve maintain compliance with state law, as a progressive animal shelter we go above and beyond to advance animal welfare in our communities: For instance, Liberty Humane Society provides public programs like a low-cost Wellness Clinic and Pet Food Bank, adoption and public counseling services, and animal enrichment and behavior modification training.

Spectra Energy has Federal approval to run a natural gas pipeline straight through land occupied by Liberty Humane Society–located in Jersey City, New Jersey. Pipeline construction would not only render more than half of Liberty Humane’s land useless, it would have a disastrous effect on animal health, cripple LHS’s ability to comply with state law, and render impossible the Shelter’s capacity to expand.

Tell Spectra you don’t want your energy to come at the expense of homeless animals, you don’t want pets suffering in the middle of construction chaos, and you don’t want Liberty Humane Society to lose its land–and its ability to provide more for the people and animals of New Jersey. Jersey dogs need a lifeline, not a pipeline!

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