Retirement for Menendez

Dear Editor:
Bob Menendez, the Democrat candidate for United States Senate, must be tired or he is simply taking our vote for granted. His record shows he has endorsed or promoted every failed economic policy of the Obama administration. He has not had the courage to address the unemployment crisis or our floundering economy. A leader would offer solutions to these problems. He has not. He is not a leader. He is part of the problem.
The Republican candidate for United States Senate, Joe Kyrillos, is a leader. He is not afraid to tackle tough economic problems. As State Senator, Joe Kyrillos worked with Governor Chris Christie when difficult, but necessary, decisions were made in order to balance New Jersey’s budget. With Joe’s help, we have broadened our tax base by encouraging companies to relocate to New Jersey. Senator Kyrillos has clearly shown himself to be a hard working and dedicated leader and advocate for our state over the past few months.
Hoboken residents have had the opportunity to meet and get to know Joe Kyrillos. He has been to Hoboken several times to visit our wonderful town and to talk with Hoboken residents. He has toured the waterfront, visited the Garden Street Farmers’ Market, interacted with small business owners, attended our Arts and Music Festival and even helped parents cheer on their kids at a Little League game in Stevens Park.
Bob Menendez is so out of touch that, in 2004 (during the Bush administration), he went on record saying that a 5.6 per cent unemployment rate was unacceptable. Currently (during the Obama Administration), unemployment is 8.2 per cent. One is left to wonder whether Menedez thinks 8.2 percent is acceptable. It’s time to give early retirement to Bob Mendez.

Diana Davis
Chair Republicans of Hoboken

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