West New York resident dies after being struck by vehicle while he was exiting parked car

WEST NEW YORK AND BEYOND – Sergio Perez, 77, of 62nd Street and Park Avenue died on Wednesday afternoon after being struck by a motor vehicle while exiting his parked car, West New York Police Director Michael Indri said Thursday morning.
Perez had parked on Park Avenue close to his residence between 62nd and 63rd streets when a Ford Explorer struck his car door at around 2:20 p.m. as he was halfway in and halfway out, Indri said.
The driver of the Ford was traveling north on Park Avenue when she allegedly swerved to avoid hitting a delivery truck that had been parked on the street and lost control, striking Perez’s car, Indri said.
North Hudson Regional Fire department arrived on scene almost immediately, Indri reported, and within a minute of the emergency call they began with to perform CPR and use a defibrillator on Perez until EMS arrived shortly thereafter.
Perez was transported to Palisade Medical Center and was pronounced dead at 3:30 p.m. Indri said while an autopsy will be performed today, it initially appears Perez died from a heart attack caused by the trauma of the event.
“Summonses will be most likely be issued against the driver pending further investigation,” Indri added, “And also to the driver of the delivery truck for obstructing traffic, that was parked.” — Gennarose Pope

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