‘LaPelusa consorts with thieves’

To the Editor:
To whom it may concern:
I find it hypocritical that Mr. LaPelusa can sit there and write letters about 240 acres of land in which he voted to bond into oblivion. Now Mr. LaPelusa doesn’t want to pay the bills. I’m sure Mr. LaPelusa doesn’t order pizza, and then cry when the deliveryman wants to be paid in his own home. Why does he think he can do it regarding the city?
Mr. LaPelusa, you are a businessman. If you cut my lawn, would I have to pay you?
Leading to my next topic, Mr. LaPelusa is desperate to regain his health benefits, and the people of Bayonne have shown that they don’t want to pay them anymore. Hence, they voted Mr. LaPelusa out of his council seat. All Mr. LaPelusa has done since he came into office, and after, is consort with public officials that stole from taxpayers, like Mr. Chiappone, and grandstand about the issue of the day. Last week’s was rent control.
Let’s move forward, Bayonne. We should start by kicking Mr. LaPelusa’s self-interested milk crate from under his feet.


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