Possible poisoning of cats

To the Editor:
I’ve come to believe that someone on Grove Place or 28th Street between Broadway and Avenue C is purposely poisoning the stray cats that live here. On July 12, our two most friendly cats, who’ve been here since kittens, went missing. My husband and I thought this so strange since they had always been waiting for us outside our house for the past nine months. Our male Jake turned up dead the next day, July 13. His body was found outside my neighbors’ side door, and she thinks it was done purposely, like he was placed there, as the cat was right where you could find him the minute you stepped out the door.
Jake was completely healthy, and after making a quick examination of him, there were no marks from fighting or getting hit by a car. We had just seen him and Sticks one day before. Our other friendly youngster, Sticks, is still missing, but I’m sure she will turn up, probably in the same condition. My husband and I were thinking of adopting this kitten. When she was born, she was so small and sickly. But she pulled through. We miss her like crazy.
On July 15, two more cats had gone missing. This was a group of cats that were always here, always. They weren’t sick. Two days after, we saw the youngest, a beautiful, healthy clear-eyed male kitten we named Cloud. His eyes were a smoky grey that exactly matched his coat. We noticed Cloud had one eye completely closed shut with goop. In another few days, we saw him again, thinner and both eyes shut. It was almost like he was blind. We tried to catch him to bring him to the vet but he evaded us. Cloud finally passed away on July 23. My heart completely broke.
On July 29, another young cat was found dead in our neighbor’s yard. A total of six young cats were annihilated from our block. Six that we know of, anyway. Someone was very sneaky about this. Some people who live here know or saw what happened and they are not saying anything. I have a very good idea who it may be too. Since I don’t have the absolute proof that I need, I can’t point a finger. I intend to notify all rescue groups here, just to let them know what is happening around Grove Place.
Whoever you are, I hope you know that in this country, it’s animal cruelty to hurt or kill an innocent animal, punishable by a hefty fine and/or up to five years in prison per animal. I hope you know what an absolute piece of garbage you are, although that’s putting it mildly. You could have been humane and called a rescue group or animal control. Now you will have to live with yourself. If you have any conscience at all, and I really don’t think you do, I hope you realize the significance of the damage you have done.


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