Battle brewing over Hoboken council seat: Watch it here LIVE

HOBOKEN — Hoboken’s next City Council meeting is Wednesday night at City Hall beginning at 7 p.m.
Councilwoman Carol Marsh announced her resignation at the last meeting. The council is likely to vote for a new councilperson tonight. Since the council is normally split 5-4, with five members (including Marsh) supporting the initiatives of Mayor Dawn Zimmer, both political factions in town would like Marsh’s replacement to be on their side so that they’d get the majority.
If the matter comes down to a 4-4 vote on Wednesday night, Mayor Dawn Zimmer will break the tie.
Sources have said that Marsh timed her resignation late to avoid a special election for the seat this November. That way, the mayor automatically gets to make the pick.
The mayor’s political opposition believes there can still be a special election, however. Do their claims have merit? The debate is likely to be hashed out on Wednesday.
Possible names floated for the seat include Theresa Minutillo, Jim Doyle, Eric Kurta, Jake Stuiver, and others. Kurta, a former council candidate and campaign finance watchdog, said last week that while he’d be happy with the seat, he doesn’t believe he’ll be the pick.
Who will it be? And what other matters will come up for a vote?
To watch the meeting live here at,
click below.
For followup coverage, as always, keep watching and see more detailed coverage in this weekend’s Hoboken Reporter newspaper. To comment, leave comments at the end of the story or email letters under 500 words to; make sure your phone number and address are included for verification purposes.

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