To the Editor:
It was a Saturday evening at the end of August and I had company coming for dinner. I tried to time the dinner to be done before the guests arrived. When I went to put the filet mignon roast that I bought from Senerchia’s Deli & Meats in my oven, it did not ignite! As you can imagine, I was terrified!
It was already getting late, and I did not know what to do. I called all my friends in the area but they were not home. I thought of calling PSE&G, but knew that they would only give me an appointment for the next day. What to do? Well, I called Lou Senerchia, proprietor of the store. He said not to worry, that he would cook the meat for me! Not only did he have his coworker Ray Coones pick it up for me, he then had it brought back by his other worker Josh.
It is always a pleasure to go into Senerchia’s, for they not only serve the best of everything, they also extend such courtesy to all their customers.
Thanks guys, you saved the day and I will always be grateful, not only for the delicious meal, but for the time you took to help me out! You guys rock!