Thanks to the Community

To the Editor:
Recently, the students of Bayonne High School in Mrs. Powell’s A.P. Psychology class decided to get the community involved in their social scientific experiment projects. The projects composed of seeing how society looks at teen moms, how much self-esteem one has before pumping iron at the gym, and if strangers on the street would help you with a personal problem as they waited for the bus. Some residents may have caught on to the set-up situations, yet others went along with their errands and helped if they could. The students of the class had many learning experiences and dealt with being judged while walking in another person’s shoes. Thank you to all the residents that helped make out projects that much better by participating and showing us that there are people out there willing to lend a helping hand.
Furthermore, we would like to offer a special thanks to all the local Bayonne businesses who allowed the students to interact with their customers and clients. Without their cooperation, these types of projects would not be feasible within the community. They say it takes a village to raise a child. In the case of Bayonne, our town businesses are always willing to go the extra mile to help our educational community. On behalf of Mrs. Powell’s A.P. Psychology class, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your participation and support. The following businesses were cooperative: Planet Fitness, Y.M.C.A., Impact, N.Y.S.C., Rite Aid, Family Dollar, Deals, TJ Mazz, Staples, Stop & Shop, and Hallmark.

Bayonne High School

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