UH OH…Jersey City residents to protest cut to weekend PATH service that is meant to benefit Hoboken

JERSEY CITY AND BEYOND — For every action, there’s an opposite reaction.
Hoboken residents are clamoring to have their PATH service back, and the Port Authority announced on Thursday that it will halt service to midtown for the next two weekends in order to expedite repairs. But that means cutting service from Journal Square to New York — and the Journal Square riders are not amused.
Beginning Dec. 8, there will be no weekend PATH service on the Journal Square-33rd Street route. This means the only PATH service into New York will be on the Newark-World Trade Center line.
“Seeking to return PATH rail service to Hoboken as quickly as possible, the Port Authority will run weekend service only on the Newark Penn Station-World Trade Center line for the next two weekends, allowing crews to proceed unimpeded with post-Hurricane Sandy repair time,” The Port Authority
said in a press statement.
The service changes will be a commuting nightmare for thousands of Hudson County residents who work weekends or who had planned to travel to Manhattan for holiday shopping. Angry riders, very many of whom live in Jersey City, say that PATH’s current schedule – which shuts down at 10 p.m. each night -has already posed a tremendous hardship.
Jersey City Peace Movement was already planning a protest for Friday, Dec. 7 at the Journal Square PATH Station at 5 p.m. to demand that the Port Authority operate shuttle bus service from Journal Square to midtown Manhattan between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. – E. Assata Wright

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