Dear Editor:
On behalf of Mayor Gonnelli and the Town Council, the Department of Social Services would like to thank everyone who donated groceries, clothing or money to the Secaucus Emergency Food Pantry for Thanksgiving: the parents, students and teachers at Clarendon School; the Ladies Aid Society of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church; Secaucus Fire Department Engine Co. 1; Meadowlands Plaza Hotel; Secaucus Kiwanis and the many local residents who were generous beyond words, we thank you.
A special thank you to the volunteers who helped sort the enormous amount of donated items, the K & S Social Club for their donation of turkeys for our families and the workers of King’s Kitchen, who prepared the delicious holiday meal that was delivered to our senior shut-in residents.
Each year, Secaucus residents give from their hearts, and extend charity to those who are less fortunate. We thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Patricia Jakubowski
Department of Social Services