Restore Boulevard bus service

To the Editor:

This is an appeal to all residents that rely on bus transportation between Bayonne and the Port of Authority Bus Terminal in New York City.
In the past, the No. 99S bus ran along the Boulevard to Bayonne from the N.Y. Port Authority Terminal throughout the night. Now the No. 119 bus, which replaced the No. 99S, runs only until 10:10 p.m. from N.Y.C. to Bayonne. Local residents who work late hours or attend evening events in N.Y.C. cannot get home by bus after the 10:10 p.m. departure. It would help considerably if that departure was extended for at least three hours.
In addition, the No. 119 bus stops on the Boulevard are few and far apart. Also, it only runs at peak hours and not at all on weekends or on holidays.
Yes, there are alternatives such as the Light Rail and the PATH trains. But taking the PATH involves a bus connection in Jersey City, which is time-consuming and presents a safety issue as well.
The Light Rail is unpredictable as it relies on the PATH connection. In Bayonne, it is located a long distance from the Boulevard, necessitating a long walk across town, again presenting a safety issue, especially at night.
How can one help to restore a much-needed, better-scheduled Kennedy Boulevard bus service between Bayonne and N.Y.C.? Simply by writing to our local politicians, so that hopefully we can obtain the convenient and much-preferred Boulevard bus transportation we once had.


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