Thank you, Councilman Greaves

To the Editor:

The 56th Street Senior Center recently had its annual holiday party on Dec. 12. Everyone who attended had a great time. We were extremely happy to have Mayor Mark Smith, Assemblyman and Public Safety Director Jason O’Donnell, and Council members Agnes Gillespie, Terrence Ruane and Ray Greaves to join in the festivities.
We would like to thank Third Ward Councilman Ray Greaves and his association for sponsoring the event with delicious pizza. It is very encouraging to know that the seniors of Bayonne can count on your support. We would also like to thank June Sturz and the always-entertaining Bayonne Senior Orchestra, who provided the music and entertainment.
This event truly made Bayonne a wonderful city that allowed seniors to gather to have fun, especially after the tough times we went through with Hurricane Sandy.
To Pete Amadeo, supervisor of recreation, for his continued support to our center and to all who helped in any way to make this event a success, thank you all very much! We could not have done this without your help and support.

Senior Center Coordinator

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