Stop the cowardly ways of yesterday politics

Dear Editor:
Politics in Hudson County hit another milestone low with distribution of flyers with childish slander, like usual no name to take responsibility for this cowardly act. Look when we choose to get into this political life, we are all aware of the made rumors and baggage that goes along with the game, but family members should be off limits. They deal with that empty seat at the dinner table, the missed family events and the late night emergencies which by far is a strain by itself, but to attack ones character is appalling and disgusting. Bottom line there is so many great things being accomplished by the Stack administration and all you shadow political ghosts do is rant and rave in your “Land of Make Believe” world. Hard work is accomplished every day to make Union City even greater for the future.
I am proud to stand side by side with Brian and this entire administration. You shadow ghosts wouldn’t know the feeling of helping a family who has to make the choice of rent or electric bill, food or clothes. No one in this county, state or even this country does what Brian Stack does point blank. We will not go back to cowardly ways of yesterday politics and regression.

Alex Velazquez

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