Butts and mutts

To the Editor:

I am writing this letter to voice my displeasure with some of my fellow citizens. During the recent beautiful weather I decided to take my dog for a walk down at Dennis Collins Park. I decided to bring my small Jack Russell terrier into the dog run. Appalled is the only word I can use as I saw a family with two young girls and two huge dogs running around amidst the feces that these animals had generated. The girls were barely supervised while their parents stood off to the side smoking cigarettes. The cigarettes were then just flicked haphazardly onto the dog run floor. This was the small dog run, so I asked if the big one was closed. The woman told me to “mind my own business.” My problem is that besides not picking up after their dogs, they generated at least a dozen cigarette butts and just flicked them on the ground. The park is for everyone. Please leave it as you found it.


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