Thank you for your efforts

Dear Editor:
I write to thank three organizations for their efforts to save Washington Park trees in Union City: NJ chapter of the Sierra Club which passed a Resolution dated May 14, 2011 citing “the loss of tree coverage and its cooling advantage in the summer….” The second is the Washington Park Association, Jersey City, for their initial actions trying to save what its former president, Mr. Peter Basso, characterized “historical trees.” Last but especially distinguished in this effort, in my view, is Riverview Neighborhood Association, in Jersey City.
While not a historian, I take an interest in matters historical in Union City and as a park actionist/advocate I also appreciate trees and I, myself, have urged Mayor Stack by phone and Letters to the Editor to scale back the park expansion for the sake of these historical trees. The expansion will proceed and trees will be killed but to be fair to our mayor, many young trees and greenery will be planted including hundreds of trees along New York Avenue which in some places borders the park.
In my zeal to preserve scarce green-as opposed to recreational Open Space-I have enjoyed meeting people who shared their desire to save these trees and signed a petition to that effect. I also thank Mayor Stack for the efforts he did undertake at my urging to repair sections of Washington Park that were in great disrepair. Moreover, I had recommended as a compromise that he shift the expanded field away from residential Second Street to Patterson Plank Road. That will be done.
Hopefully and expectantly, Mayor Stack will allow broader community input in future park projects to which end I will double my efforts as I seek along with other residents for a “seat at the table” with him in matters affecting our community, green space, and need for education about Nature and nature-related activities.

Tony Squire
Union City

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