County golf course contract given third extension

HUDSON COUNTY — If you were hoping to tee off at the county’s $13 million golf course in Lincoln Park in Jersey City, you’re going to have to wait a little longer.
The Hudson County Improvement Authority has issued its third extension to Persistent Construction Company of Fairview, over the objections of some Hudson County Freeholders – who claim the extensions are unfair to other companies that bid on the project in the first place.
While the project has been delayed – it was originally supposed to have been completed in late 2012 — the county has been making money off the fill. Persistent’s contract gives a percentage of the profit to the county of what the company makes to dispose of the soil.
The project has been delayed by Mother Nature, according to county officials, who said that flooding due to Hurricane Sandy not only caused problems at the proposed golf course, but also on an environmental project nearby that had to be done prior to moving ahead with the golf course.
As a result of the storm, the HCIA decided to increase the height of the golf course to avoid flooding problems as a result of future storms. So far the company has already delivered more than1 million cubic yards of soil to the golf course site. The new estimated time of opening will be in 2015, officials said.

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