What was the purpose

Dear Editor:
The topic I want to discuss is, how come Mayor Felix Roque renamed a street in West New York Dr. Jose Roque Way. What did this man ever do for West New York? I heard that Dr. Jose Roque was a doctor in Union City and not West New York, so what makes this Mayor Felix Roque the person to be renaming streets in West New York? Later this year, his son, Mayor Felix Roque, will be starting a court trial because he allegedly hacked into a web site.
If I were Mayor Felix Roque I would be thinking of stepping down as mayor. I have lived in West New York over 25 years and the best mayor we had was Tony Defino. He never broke any laws he was the best mayor of West New York, N.J. The streets were much safer and clean. Not like today. I would not be caught outside after dark.

Brian Silvani

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