Zimmer won’t endorse in gubernatorial race, says tweet

HOBOKEN – Mayor Dawn Zimmer, who has praised the work of Gov. Christopher Christie in the wake of Hurricane Sandy last year, told a Star Ledger reporter at an event in Little Ferry on Tuesday that she would not be offering an endorsement in the upcoming November gubernatorial race. Christie, a Republican, faces off against Assemblywoman Barbara Buono, a Democrat.
“I don’t expect to be endorsing,” said Zimmer, according to a Tweet from Jenna Portnoy, the Ledger reporter who covers Christie.
Later, Zimmer, who is involved in her own reelection campaign, Tweeted that she thought Christie has “done a great job for NJ & Hoboken.”
Several Democratic mayors in Hudson County have crossed party lines to endorse Christie, including State Sen. and Union City Mayor Brian Stack. – Dean DeChiaro

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