Shady character

To the Editor:

On Sunday, August 3, in the afternoon, after finishing my shopping at Shop Rite in Bayonne, I inadvertently left my sunglasses (and an inexpensive pair of reading glasses in a black case) in the shopping cart. When I had realized my mistake I returned to the parking lot (in less than 5 minutes), but the shopping cart and my sunglasses were gone. I inquired inside at the Courtesy Desk. Unfortunately, no one had turned in my glasses. I wish I was writing to thank some kind soul for turning them in, but instead I am writing to say how disappointing it is that no one had enough conscience to turn them in. Well I guess Bayonne has changed a lot and I was expecting too much! To whoever kept my sunglasses, if you have an attack of conscience, you can still turn them in at the Courtesy Desk, no questions asked. But I won’t hold out too much hope.


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