Washington Park renovations

Dear Editor:
Some of Union City Mayor Brian Stack’s critics have pointed out that the renovation of Washington Park, known in this city as 1st Street Park, would affect the green area, getting rid of some 7,000 trees. A group of people called the “Washington Park group” alleges that some sort of historical roses will be sacrificed if a new park is built. Last June it was reported that the group was angry because 50 trees had to be “sacrifice”. They must be naturalist scientists interested in exotic plants. If this is the case what’s more important than our children to have a brand new park to play or enjoy the shadow of an old tree?
This assertion is just ridiculous when you consider that Mayor Stack has steadily been incrementing green areas around the city, and this number will top 17,000 trees by the time the park is completed. This is in addition to thousands of flowers, and yes, roses, that beautify our parks all over the city.
All you have to do is drive around Union City and you will see how its infrastructure has changed since Brian Stack is our mayor, including a great expansion of trees.
If this worries his critics, a ride or a walk around the city should remind them that the color of their anguish and frustration for the mayor’s accomplishments is far from green, and far from a rose garden.
The revitalization of Union City is a fact: new construction, new parks and green areas, brand new schools and cultural centers, paved and clean streets, a strong police presence, with the most effective anti-drug and anti-gang units in Hudson County. And even new fountains never seen in our town before can be seen on 32nd Street.
It seems that Stacks’s political rivals have exhausted all their ammo and have now been reduced to let trees lead their incomprehensible war against the best mayor this city ever had.

Rafael Martel

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