Offer of neighborly support

Dear Editor:
We want to extend our deepest thanks once again to all of the first responders who came to the aid of our end of the block on Monday. The fire at 327 Adams Street was managed expertly by the crews of the Hoboken Fire Department – with assistance from the Jersey City and Bayonne Fire Departments. Our worst fear was that our building would suffer yet another painful blow – in quick succession after the recent water main break in the street in front of 327 Adams. (Not to mention the damages and difficulties we all faced when Super Sandy sent the Hudson River over to pay us an extended visit last year.) But miraculously the three alarm blaze was contained to the upper floors of our neighboring building by the hardworking crews of the local and supporting firehouses and we couldn’t be more appreciative.
We also want to thank the Hoboken Police Department for their important contribution to effort and acknowledge as well the presence of the Emergency Medical Services teams at the ready there on the scene – especially the team that came to the aid of the lone fire-fighter who was injured during the commotion. Sadly, our relief and heartfelt gratitude are not the only feelings we must express here. Our deepest sympathy goes out to the residents of 327 Adams – some of whom we count among our friends – as they cope now with the tremendous loss and shock of losing their homes and their possessions, as they begin rebuilding their lives anew after yet another disaster strikes out at them – just as they were about to put the challenges of Hurricane Sandy behind them. We wish them strength, endurance, understanding and patience as the restoration process unfolds for them and offer them our neighborly support over the days, weeks and months to come.

Diekmann Family

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