It was a success!

To the Editor:

On Behalf of the Bayonne Women’s Club it is my great honor to announce that our Winter White Sno Ball Gala for the Kathy Potter Memorial Scholarship which was held on February 18 at the Chandelier was a rousing success.
The Scholarship will be awarded to a Bayonne female resident attending local public High School who intends to pursue a career in Creative Writing, English Literature, Journalism or Women’s Studies. Kathy Potter was a beloved member of our club and was involved with our First, “Fashion with Compassion”, Fashion Show.
Kathy graduated Summa Cum Laude from NJCU with a BA in English Literature, concentration in Creative Writing, minor in Women and Genders Study. She managed NJCU’s Transformation publication. Together with other alumni, she founded, ReCollective, a writer’s group that has met monthly since 2009.She was the recipient of many awards for her writing. She is dearly missed by the NJCU community and the Bayonne Women’s Club.
I would like to thank our Sno Ball Committee: Chair and event creator, Dawn Herring, Claudia Kufta, who managed the details, Mary Lou Drakas who created a winter wonderland through her fantastic decorations, Linda Freeman, photography, and booklets, Debbie Moallem, our graphic designer who makes everything work, and Lorma Wepner, publicity and so much more, and for Rose Kellner for her help. I also want to thank the club for bringing their friends and family to the event. Thanks to the Hackett and Potter family and friends for making this a special night, as well as Melida Rodas who shared her beautiful video of Kathy that she made for the Memorial in her honor at NJCU. DJ Bob Tellman kept us dancing all night. Thanks to Victor and the Staff at the Chandelier for the great food and exceptional service. I would also like to thank Liberty Health, Dave Terry and Judy Bielan, along with the Law Firm of Bielan, Miklo and Makrogiannis for their kind donations to our event. What a wonderful way to combine a night of fun and dancing for such a fantastic cause.

President, Bayonne Women’s Club

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