First vote ever

Dear Editor:
The 216th organization day ceremonies of the general assembly of the state of New Jersey event that took place in Trenton on Tuesday January 14, 2004, left me with some indelible sense of pride as a new American. I found myself reassured about the promise of freedom in my new country through my voice and hope in the continuous improvement of our cherished society expressed in all of that which I summed up as my vote. This pride of joy was affirmed as I watched Carmelo Garcia and Raj Mukherji being sworn in as the newly elected state’s assembly representative for NJ 33rd District. It was an honor to attend.
I have never been as convinced about my decision on any political candidate as I am on the purposefulness of Carmelo Garcia as a statesman. But more importantly, it is the first time in my life that I have been able to express this conviction. Carmelo Garcia is my friend, I have known him for over ten years; he has never failed to amaze me as a public servant and community organizer who cares deeply for all people in our cherished society. He has also, over the years, demonstrated good leadership, good governance and has been a reliable upholder of the public policy beyond political boundaries. Last year’s November election was my first vote ever at the age of 49, I wanted to make it count. I left my home country before I could reach a voting age. While I was growing up in Europe, I was not interested in citizenship to qualify me for a vote. This is why my vote for Carmelo is so meaningful. It was my first vote and I wanted to vote for Carmelo Garcia, not only because I feel honored by his friendship, but simply because I know the man and there is no ambiguity about him. It would be wonderful if our little precious community of Hoboken can share the pride that Carmelo is its product. I voted for Carmelo Garcia because this community deserves him and the state of New Jersey needs good and honest public servants who care deeply. I know that Carmelo and Raj will make us proud. This is the sum of all the joy for me to see them get sworn at the 216th organization day ceremonies of the state of New Jersey general assembly event in Trenton yesterday.
My name is Wale Idris Ajibade. I am a social development analyst, and the director of African Views organization, a nonprofit organization focusing on human development sciences and humanities. I am a home owner and have lived in Hoboken since 2000. I am a friend of the Carmelo Garcia family and proud member of the Carmelo Garcia team.

Wale Idris Ajibade
Executive Director
African Views Organization

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