To the Editor:
Did anyone write to you regarding the letter that PSE&G sent out to 20,000 people? It says that you don’t have to answer your door for those Energy people anymore because our Mayor and Council switched us to some company called TriEagle. I was also wondering if Councilman Ray Greaves had ever tried to call them to see what their customer service was like. It seems like I am paying less for electric but then the fees are higher so how does this help, and what’s with those fees? I talked to some of those people who walk around Bayonne, ringing everyone’s doorbells and they said they get paid commission when we switch, that we don’t have to pay them, that the company that sells me energy pays them. So I wonder, did anyone on the city council make a commission? If so, can you please use some of the money to paint a crosswalk or put a sign to stop for people on 49th and Avenue C.? Even Nucky Thompson would do it.(the corrupt politician on a show called Boardwalk Empire). Avenue C is four lanes long with no traffic light, so everyone wants to run us over or they want to double park in front of the bagel store and the crosswalks. (But they are good bagels).