The people want more than mud slinging

To the editor:

I would like to thank everyone for the support and enthusiasm I received in my attempt at running for First Ward Councilman. While disappointed that I was unable to get on the ballot this time around, that will not deter me in my quest to represent the people of the First Ward and the City of Bayonne. When looking at several of the candidates for First Ward I realize I can still be a better voice for the people than a representative we only hear from during election time or candidates who have obligations to meet outside of Bayonne, therefore not being available to their constituents 24 hours a day all year long. Another thing I find shameful is how candidates are bashing the current administration while not presenting any rock solid solutions themselves as to how they would rectify the situation. As a voter I do not want to hear the typical mudslinging Hudson County politics are infamous for, what I want to hear are your solutions to the major problems facing the city. Having lived in Bayonne my whole life I have seen the ups and downs the city has gone through. When looking throughout the history of politics, whether it is at the municipal, state or federal level, there has never been and never will be such a thing as the perfect politician. Every politician has their own individual strengths and weaknesses. When looking at what the Smith administration has done over the past five years there are both pros and cons of his and his team’s policies, just as there are with every politician. The point of this letter is not to discuss these pros and cons; what I want to discuss are the solutions, or lack thereof, coming from the candidates opposing Mayor Smith and his team. I constantly hear tales of lowering taxes while at the same time getting the teachers a much deserved raise. Yet when I hear this rhetoric being spoken I have yet to hear about an actual idea presented, besides the one I presented in a past letter, to lower taxes and accomplish getting teachers a raise at the same time, which is basically impossible and it is talk like this which is why this is going to be a two man race. As a concerned voter and more importantly someone who wants to fight for the people of Bayonne and the First Ward I simply ask of the candidates is while attacking the policies of another candidate to actually present solutions for how they would correct what they perceive to be problems. Voters are getting tired and disgusted of the increasing amount of garbage and mudslinging that has been increasing in the weeks leading up to the election. What we want is simply to hear why we should vote for either candidate and make a decision off of that rather than personal attacks. Is that too much to ask for?


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