Alleged shooter turns himself in

Darius Dashawn Redmon, 21, of Jersey City, was shot in the head late on May 1 and died from his injuries on May 2, according to Hudson County Acting Prosecutor Gaetano T. Gregory.
On Friday, May 2 at approximately 11:30 p.m., a vehicle pulled up to the Jersey City Police Department’s West District on Communipaw Avenue with three males, who told police someone was shot. Mr. Redmon was unconscious in the back seat of the vehicle with an apparent gunshot wound to his head. Redmon was pulled out of the vehicle by police officers, who administered C.P.R. until Emergency Medical Services arrived and transported the victim to the Jersey City Medical Center in critical condition. Mr. Redmon was pronounced dead on Saturday, May 3, shortly after 6 p.m.
Gregory said the investigation revealed that Mr. Redmon was shot while inside the vehicle in the area of the Booker T. Washington Housing Complex near Freemont and Colden Streets in Jersey City. Redmon was then transported by his friends towards the West District. Jersey City Police later said they suspected Daquan Mixson, 24, as the alleged shooter.
Mixson turned himself in to prosecutors last Sunday, May 4.
Anyone with information about the fatal shooting is asked to contact the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office Homicide Unit at (201) 915-1345 or by email at All contacts will be kept confidential.

Maio to move onto HUD

Executive Director Maria Maio of the Jersey City Housing Authority is expected to step down on June 13 to take a post with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Maio, known for her no-nonsense approach, will take up a new post in Newark to oversee HUD programs throughout New Jersey.
She leaves the JCHA after 35 years. She has been executive director since 2004.

County approves Farmer’s Market for Lincoln Park

The Hudson County Board of Freeholders authorized the West Side Community Alliance to sponsor a Farmer’s Market in Lincoln Park. The West Side Community Alliance will not only sponsor the Farmer’s Market but will provide volunteers as a service to the community of Hudson County.
The market will be held every Sunday beginning June 22 through Nov. 2 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the area adjacent to the playground and the Park Division Administration Building. Vendors will accept WIC, SNAP and SFMNP as forms of payment and any revenue derived by the West Side Community Alliance shall be used to cover the costs of running the Farmer’s Market.

Teenage boy arrested for sex video

The Jersey City police and the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office are continuing to investigate after a 15-year-old Dickinson High School boy allegedly posted a videotape to Facebook of himself and a 13-year-old girl engaged in a sex act.
According to media reports, the boy was arrested on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, the school district is considering whether the youth’s actions “may or may not be a disciplinary matter for the district,” according to school board spokeswoman Maryann Dickar, quoted in a story on
The report says the boy has been charged with two counts of invasion of privacy, which would be third-degree crimes if committed by an adult. He has reportedly been released to the custody of his parents.
Deputy First Assistant Prosecutor Debra Simon said the boy was arrested at Dickinson High School in Jersey City, where both he and the girl are students.
Both of the girl’s parents and the boy’s mother were notified of the incident, she said.
The report quotes police as saying it is believed that the girl did not know the act was being recorded and it is also believed that she became aware of the recording from other students at the school.

New location for 6th Borough Market

The 6th Borough Market has a new location. Starting on May 18, the market will be held behind City Hall near Grove and Montgomery streets in downtown Jersey City.
The market will feature vintage, crafts, food, and children’s activities that promote community & local artisans. It will have one special Sunday each month that will bring together makers and collectors, chefs, and entertainers.
The market will be open on Sundays May 18, June 22, July 20, Aug. 10, Sept. 14, and Oct. 19 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For more information go to and or contact the market at and 203 415 0578

A blog suggests that some stereotypes about Jersey City may be true

Jari Nation, from Movoto Real Estate, has decided not to debunk some of the classic stereotypes about Jersey City, but to embrace them. Covering a range of subjects from the Sopranos to Real Housewives of New Jersey, the Movoto blog hopes to make clear that some things said about the Gateway City may well be accurate. While Mayor Steve Fulop works to find a way to brand the city, Nation clearly says that Jersey City residents have their own flavor and attitudes, and in some cases, reject some the imposition of characters from other parts of the Metropolitan area such as Brooklyn.
“We published a blog post today on the 10 Jersey City Stereotypes That Are Completely Accurate, like how everyone acts like it’s NYC’s sixth borough (and it’s totally not),” Nation said.
Check it out:

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