Chronic disease management is not “free” under Obamacare,

Here’s a Q&A from Kaiser Health News *
“Q. My doctor added on a charge for a “chronic disease management” appointment on top of my annual physical because I have thyroid disease and arthritis. The doctor’s office explained that my visit was more complicated than a routine physical. I’m not sure I buy that. In my case, it only cost a $20 copay, but I was surprised that it was billed that way, and it could be a surprise for someone without the excellent coverage that I have. Can they do that? “
“A. They may be able to do so. If, in addition to a routine physical exam, your doctor also provides “evaluation and management” services or other higher level services related to your chronic conditions, you may be charged for that portion of the office visit, say primary care practice specialists. It will likely depend on whether the physician bills separately for those services in addition to the routine physical exam.”
*to read the full KHN article “A Reader Asks: Can My Doctor Charge Me For ‘Chronic Disease Management’ In My Annual Physical?” by Michelle Andrews, highlight and click on open hyperlink


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