City counter sues realty company on reval

JERSEY CITY – Mayor Steven M. Fulop announced on June 23 that the City of Jersey City has filed a countersuit to recoup $3 million from the firm hired by the former administration, Realty Appraisal Company, to conduct a citywide property tax revaluation citing a conflict of interest in how the contract was
The city asserts that a former Business Administrator and City Tax Assessor worked for Realty Appraisal at the time the contract was awarded, which rendered the contract illegal and void.
In December 2013, Realty Appraisal Company filed suit against the City alleging that the City terminated its contract with the firm without cause or legal basis. The complaint seeks money damages for amounts allegedly due and owing for work Realty Appraisal completed in connection with the contract, however, in answering the complaint, the city denied Realty Appraisal’s allegations in their entirety.
Instead, the city has asserted counterclaims against Realty Appraisal alleging that a conflict of interest rendered the contract void from and prior to its inception and alleging that any work performed by Realty Appraisal was deficient. The case is currently in the discovery phase.

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