When you go to the beach

Dear Editor:
This summer don’t forget the sun screen.
Also, don’t forget the young men that when to the beaches of Normandy, France some 70 years ago. They didn’t go with sun screen to sunbathe on Utah Beach. Nor did they go with swimsuits to swim at Omaha Beach. They went with backpacks loaded with 100 pounds of equipment to fight for the great freedoms we enjoy today. They went with courage and determination to help our allies liberate Europe. And they fought gallantly and thousands never made it off the beaches during the D day invasion.
The Hoboken World War II Memorial lists the names of the 163 men from this mile square city that never came home to Hoboken. Many of them never made it off the beaches of Normandy.
Let’s always remember the sacrifice our men and women make in servicing their country.
God bless our troops, God bless Hoboken and God bless America.

John P. Carey, Commander
Hoboken American Legion Post 107

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