The counting of the trees

Dear Editor:
The hot dog days of summer herald mark my beginning another street by street count of trees and their kind in Union City. As I did some years ago, I invite Mayor Stack and his Board of Commissioners to participate. More important, I invite residents of the community to join in. Specifically if you know of a tree in your neighborhood that is very old, very large, very tall, or has a story to tell, I want to know where it is. These are the Champion Trees in our midst. Some years ago, the mother of Mayor Stack, helped me measure an old mulberry tree behind her building by arranging access for me and another local resident. She also told me about the trees in front of her building along with her personal fond recollections. I want the Police Chief and Union City Police Department and Hudson County Sheriff’s to be aware that I photograph trees, use a tape measure to check the girth, and a measuring stick to estimate height and take notes.
Please feel free to reach me if this interests you and you want to share your story. Trees are my passion and our fate is bound to them. Once again I look forward to walking in the shoes of John Muir on his solo treks. Or, dare I believe, in having Mayor Stack, that self-proclaimed “lover of trees” join me in a common quest.

In search of a Champion Tree,
(Raven)Tony Squire

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