Police Beat

Compiled by

Joseph Passantino
Reporter staff writer

Careless driving stop leads to another charge and seven summonses


A South Carolina man pulled over for careless driving was charged with receiving stolen property after police determined the license plates on his car were allegedly stolen, police said.

On Nov. 5 at 7:27 p.m., police conducted a motor vehicle stop at 17th Street and Avenue C on a car driven by Jeffrey A. Burdsall, 30, of Bluffton, S.C., according to Bayonne Police Lt. Janine Foy.

“The driver was unable to produce any paperwork for the car, nor did he have a driver’s license,” Foy said. “A computer check revealed that his license was suspended and also that the plates on the vehicle were listed as [allegedly] stolen.”

The vehicle itself was not stolen, but it was unregistered, according to Foy.

Burdsall’s car was impounded, he was arrested on the charge of receiving stolen property, and issued seven summonses, police said. Those summonses were: driving while suspended, careless driving, fictitious plates, unregistered vehicle, uninsured vehicle, failure to exhibit registration, and maintenance of lamp.

He was released on a summons.


Pennsylvania man arrested for lewdness in county park


An Allentown, Pa., man was arrested by police after officers were called to Stephen R. Gregg Park on the report of a man sitting in his car allegedly masturbating, police said.

On Oct. 29, after 4 p.m., Donald D. Thompson, 57, from Allentown, Pa., was arrested on the lower level of the park, on the 37th Street side, according to Police Lt. Janine Foy.

“Police were called to the scene by a third party who told police as she was walking in the area of the parking lot near the man’s car, a four-door gray Chevy Sonic, she [allegedly] observed him sitting in his car exposed and masturbating.”

Present nearby in the park was a girl’s high school track team, who were in view of him, Foy said.

Thompson was arrested without incident.

He was charged with three counts of lewdness and 11 counts of criminal sexual contact, Foy said.

Thompson was remanded to the Hudson County Jail on a bail of $200,000 with a 10-percent cash option.


Traffic accident nets Union County woman a DWI charge


Police investigating the report of a three-car accident on Nov. 1 arrested one of the people involved and charged her with driving while intoxicated.

At 11:46 p.m., police responded to the accident at 41st Street and Ave E and determined that two  cars had been stopped at the red light at that location when Latifia S. Fantroy, 40, of Plainfield, had allegedly struck one of the cars, pushing that car into a third one, according to Lt. Janine Foy.

“Police [allegedly] smelled an odor of alcohol on her breath,” Foy said. “Her speech was slurred, and her eyes were glassy.”

She was placed under arrest for DWI, according to Foy, and when she took a breathalyzer test she registered at 0.112, above the legal limit of 0.8.

There were no injuries, and there was minimal damage to the cars, police said.

Fantroy was issued DWI and careless driving summonses.

She was released on a summons.


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