Welcome back, Mr. Elwell

Dear Editor:
A tip of the hat to Al Sullivan for his article reporting and interview with former mayor Elwell’s return to Secaucus after serving 30 months in federal prison. He truly has a knack for reporting topics the residents of Secaucus are interested in reading about.
For those of you who did not read Al’s article in the Nov. 9 issue, I suggest you do so. It is must reading for anyone interested in Secaucus politics. In the article Elwell is portrayed as a man who “fought the system,” “A man bitter not broken.” Was this an attempt by Elwell to resurrect himself in the eyes of Secaucus voters, new and old, for future political purposes? Permit me to explain my rational.
Back in June of this year, I was approached by a supporter of Elwell, who also supports me in my Board of Education endeavors, asking me if I would attend a welcome home party for Elwell upon his return from prison. For the record, this was one of his friends who held a “farewell party” for Elwell when he left for prison.
Before giving my response I inquired: had he informed Dennis of his plan to give him a welcome home party? His response was “No.” I suggested that before he goes any further he informs Elwell of his plan on the belief Elwell may not want one. He may want to keep a low profile at this point in time. That was the end of our conversation on that particular subject.
Fast forward, it is now four months after my June conversation with Elwell’s supporter. Thanks to Al Sullivan’s article, Elwell is back in the news in Secaucus. So much for my thinking Elwell wanted to keep a low profile. Let’s face it, if he wanted to keep a low profile he never would have agreed to the interview.
Question: is this the start of a political comeback for former mayor Elwell? Time will tell.

Tom Troyer

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