A plea to rename courts for revered high school tennis coach

To the Editor:

I have read the many letters to the editor that my colleague Mr. Nunziale has written expressing his desire and mine that the Bayonne High School tennis court be named in honor of Bill Broderick who was the greatest tennis coach in the history of Bayonne High School.
As a retired high school counselor for 25 years, I have had the extreme pleasure of working with Bill and to witness his great tennis coaching accomplishments. I would venture to say that it was because of Mr. Broderick that the BHS tennis courts were built. His desire and love of the game attracted many talented high school students to join the tennis team. The five tennis classes he instructed each day were always filled to capacity. He gave instruction before and after school. He would often be seen cleaning the water off the courts after a rainfall. Boys and girls who join his tennis team were very fortunate. They knew that his dedication and expert coaching would lead their team to a tennis championship.
Year after year, Bill’s teams were number one in the county. Not only did he build champions but he also built students with character who had a love for the game of tennis. Therefore, I’m asking his former tennis players who were fortunate to have Mr. Broderick as their coach and also Concerned Citizens of Bayonne to let our mayor, his counsel, and members of the Board of Education know your true feelings about Mr. Broderick’s lifetime dedication to the many students who love the game of tennis because of him. Tell them that the Bayonne High School tennis courts should be named in honor of Bill Broderick, a real champion of Bayonne High School.

25-year BHS counselor (retired)

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