Time is Precious

To the Editor:

It’s remarkable how fast life can sometimes just fly by, and we think at one time or another in our lives, “Where did the time go?” I don’t know about all of you but I really wish it was the 1980s all over again. How did someone not make a “Back to the Future” device yet? I mean seriously, most of us loved the 1980s and Bayonne was a rocking town. I think about it often and smile. Think about some of the funniest conversations that you have had recently or the last time you laughed your butt off. Yes, where your stomach started hurting and you were practically crying and laughing at the same time. These fun times were had reminiscing about old-school this and old-school that.
The reason I bring this up is because I feel it is important to take the time to enjoy every moment you can. These moments may be by yourself, with family or with best friends. They can actually be with everyone together of course also.
In a New York second, our own lives can change and be forever altered. This is why we should be appreciative of and thankful for our friends, family, and neighbors. It’s important to take the time daily to call our friends, family members, or neighbors, just to say hello. You will never know how important that “hello” could possibly be.
You are probably asking why I am writing about this topic. The truth is, I believe that we should all make a concerted effort to live in the now and for today. We are never promised tomorrow. We all have stressful daily lives, but we sometimes forget those who we think may always be there for us. The next time you get a couple free moments, make the move to appreciate and be thankful. Call or visit your parents, your friends. You never know when they may leave our lives unexpectedly.


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