First impression

Dear Editor:
I believe that the road surface of Observer Highway is in unacceptably poor condition. I believe that any non-political, unbiased evaluation of the road surface by the City of Hoboken would reveal the road is in need of repaving. Furthermore I believe that the road has been in need of paving for at least 24 months. Three years ago Hudson County concluded that Observer Highway was in need of repaving. At that time, the county allocated funds to pay for the repaving. Those repaving funds cannot be spent without the approval of the City. So far City Hall has not approved the repaving. Observer highway is the first impression of Hoboken many visitors get. This first impression does not do this wonderful city justice. We can make a better first impression. We should make a better first impression.
I pay too much in taxes to the county. The city’s refusal to spend the county’s money on needed road repairs makes the burden of these taxes even greater. I fail to see how refusing to repave Observer Highway makes any of us better off. If City Hall continues to refuse to repave the road they should explain to us why we are better off with the current road surface.

Paul Lichstein

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